In the end of last year, Fritz Blach bolted a nice area close to Attendorn NRW. Its 30m high and some parts of the rock are really good quality limestone! Amazing to climb on tufas in germany! Not everything is high quality, but a lot!!
Most routs are around 6a+/b, but they are all soft rated. Very sad that one very good rout is chipped, the natural way is a nice technical 6c+, but its chipped to 5... Hope that someone will fill-up the chipped holds.
Copyright by Jung, Markus in the hardest rout 7a+/7b, very compact limestone! In the background you can see perfect rock!
I went there with the WDR to climb some projects and to mark places for bolts for new routs. Here you can see a short movie.

Copyright by Jung, the days are to short! Me doing a nice technical 6c+ slab. Looks a bit dirty, but after brushing its very good! Also very nice compact limstone.
And here you can find more Infos about Borghausen:
This is the same area but an other sector. Its one of the two rocks I did my first rock experience. In 1998 we start trade climbing here, the easy routs are really alpin ;-) Most climbs are around 4/5. But there are 4 routs 7b+ and harder on really dream limestone!
This is my futuristic dream project, very hard!!!

This is a very beautiful crimpline: Katharsis 8b+. Like all hard routs in this area it was done first by Theodoros Konstantakopoulos. He did it June 2007, for me incredible because the microcrims don't allow to sweat.
This is the crux, micro-crimp with left and a long move to a slopy crimp...

Last moves are also hard, here is Markus on the last moves. Very nice beta!! Throwing the right foot around the corner to toehook to move on and snatch the good hold with right...

(c)Pictures by Markus Jung, Udini
3 Kommentare:
Do you use NOrthFace Gear?
No, just Black Diamond and FiveTen ;-)
Hallo Daniel...props for an amazing time in Spain:)
Hope to see Borghausen the next time I`m in Siegen, looks really cool...
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